**** Commodore 64 Page ****
Commodore 64 Page
by wasatchwizard
Welcome to my Commodore 64 page!
The Commodore 64 was released in 1982, but I started sometime in 1980 on the VIC-20, with data-cassette storage. It wasn't mine, my uncle was teaching me and let me use it.\nI still have a working C64, although it is not the one I used back then.\nI spent many nights "surfing" local BBSes (at 300 baud) such as the Pirate's Cove in Modesto, CA. I even hosted my own BBS for a while.
My favorite pasttime on the VIC-20 and C64 was creating programs and games in BASIC.\nAfter a couple years learning BASIC, I had created several adventure text-mode games and an Adventure clone (all in various staged of working). I also created a couple shareware apps, including a basic checkbook register and a coin/stamp collection tracker (using cassettes). Later, I revamped and updated it for comic book collecting, using disks!\nI also wrote an app to turn my keyboard into a piano. ;-)
I spent so much time hooking up home-made circuits to the IO port and experimenting with voice synthesis.
I remember playing Loderunner, Bruce Lee, and Karateka more than anything else. But I had access to hundreds of games from my friends. It was so much easier to play games on C64 since most everything was on disk instead of cartridge.
I loved using PrintShop, any party going on? We had banners, cards, and all that - all printed on track-fed paper!\nGEOS was amazing and could make the C64 compete better against PCs (not really). A friend of mine actually had a mouse that worked with GEOS, too. It was amazing!
C64 demos showed off the capabilities of the SID chip. I'll add some music up here eventually.